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We meet at Rock Lifeboat Station, Rock Road, Rock PL27 6LD
In all of our rows, we follow the guidelines of the CPGA (

Club Rows: This is a year round social row and perfect for new rowers and novices. All year we row on Sundays, on either side of high tides. From April until the end of September we row also row on Wednesdays.

Send us a message via our Facebook page or use the contact us form if you would like to have a go. 

Improvers rows: These are on Sundays for rowers who have mastered the basics and want to improve their technique and fitness. 

Training rows: These rows are designed to improve technique and fitness and train for competitive events. We train every weekend in the winter and on Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the summer.

Small boats: Weather permitting, we also bring our skiffs and flash boat down for rowing on Monday and Wednesday evenings.



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